Selasa, Mei 7, 2024

Accused of Making Lies, Senior Journalist Edy Mulyadi: Slander the Communist Way The accusation of making false investigative coverage is seen as a form of heinous slander. The coverage related to the shooting of members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) on the Jakarta-Cekampek (Japek) Toll Road is according to witness testimony around the location.
This statement was made by senior journalist Edy Mulyadi regarding the video content showing a man with a disguised face and claiming to be paid to provide false information regarding the shooting of six FPI members.
"The video is really heinous slander, I don't know who the perpetrator is but heinous methods, slandering, distorting the facts, justifying all means are methods commonly used by communists, in Indonesia it was once the PKI," said Edy via video on the Youtube channel. Bang Edy Channel quoted Wednesday (16/12).
He said that the investigative coverage could be justified. Moreover, he said, he has been a journalist since 1999, from being a printed daily reporter to several TV programs.
According to him, he never paid a witness to give false testimony. He also reminded the journalism code of ethics to make news independent, balanced, accurate and not in bad faith.
"So what I did at KM 50 is something that is true, I spoke with the witness and I spent not even a penny to pay the witness," he said.

Meanwhile, Bareskrim Polri has summoned Edy Mulyadi regarding investigative coverage on the Japek Highway, but was not present. Bareskrim then sent a second summons for questioning. (AHM)

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