Minggu, Mei 5, 2024

A Total of 19 Declarators of The Islamic United Front The Islamic Defenders Front ( FPI ) was officially disbanded today, Wednesday (30/12). A number of FPI figures immediately declared the formation  of the Islamic United Front  (FPI). The declaration was set out in a press statement by the Islamic United Front which was received by the editorial staff, which was signed by 19 declarations.

“Whereas to all administrators, members and sympathizers of the ISLAMIC DEFENDERS FRONT throughout Indonesia and abroad, in order to avoid unnecessary things and clashes with the dzalim regime, we hereby declare the FRONT OF ISLAMIC UNITY to continue the struggle to defend Religion, Nation and State accordingly. with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, “said the seventh point of the statement of the Islamic United Front press.

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On the eighth or last point of the statement, the names of the declarators of the Islamic United Front are attached. Among them are some of the former members of the Islamic Defenders Front.

The declarators of the Islamic United Front included the former chairman of the Islamic Defenders Front, Ahmad Sabri Lubis. Then Munarman, who was once recorded as the General Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front, Munarman.

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They are:

  1. Habib Abu Fihir Alattas,
  2. KH. Tb. Abdurrahman Anwar,
  3. KH. Abdul Qadir Aka,
  4. KH. Awit Mashuri,
  5. Ust. Haris Ubaidillah,
  6. Habib Idrus Al Habsyi,
  7. Ust. Idrus Hasan,
  8. Habib Ali Alattas, SH,
  9. Habib Ali Alattas, S.Kom,
  10. H. I Tuankota Basalamah.
  11. Then Habib Syafiq Alaydrus, SH,
  12. H. Baharuzaman, SH,
  13. Amir Ortega, Syahroji,
  14. H. Waluyo,
  15. Joko, M. Luthfi, SH

In a statement by the Islamic United Front (FPI), they criticized the government’s policy to disband the Islamic Defenders Front. According to them, the dissolution violated the constitution.

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“Whereas the Joint Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs, Menkumham, Menkominfo, Attorney General, Chief of Police and BNPT is a violation of the Constitution Article 28E paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, Article 24 of Law no. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights and the Constitutional Court Decision 82 / PPU-XI / 2013, “said point 3 of the statement of the Islamic United Front.

“That the right to organize is a human right which can only be reduced in an emergency.” 

According to the Islamic United Front, based on Law no. 17 of 2014 jo. UU no. 16 of 2017 Article 80, that the joint decision of six government agencies is not based on law.

“Because, Article 80 only regulates organizations that are legal entities, and even then through the revocation of legal entity status,” point 4 of the statement by the Islamic United Front. (AHM)

Source: CNNIndonesia

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