Senin, April 29, 2024

‘New Kaaba’ to Ramadan Rules, Observer: MbS Wants to Change Saudi Arabia! Saudi Arabia has recently attracted attention for issuing new rules ahead of Ramadan, releasing the giant building project The Mukaab dubbed the ‘New Kaaba’ and adding a new national holiday.Highlighting this policy, observers believe that the government of Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) wants to change Saudi Arabia. University of Cambridge political analyst Bruno Schmidt-Feuerwehr says in Saudi public space, “religion is increasingly being replaced by culture.

“He then mentioned that The Mukaab’s building plan was not unique and imitated the Kaaba. The Mukaab will be built 400 meters high, with each side 400 meters.Later, the building will be filled with cultural and tourism exhibitions, immersive theatre, residential areas, hotels, office space, and atriums. In addition, there are also 80 entertainment venues as well as technology and design universities.

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Schmidt continued, commercial plan ‘new Kaaba’ is not the only step towards a new national identity that is not bound by religion.According to a royal decree in 2022, February 22 was introduced as a holiday to celebrate the founding of the first Saudi state. Until then, the country’s National Day was celebrated on September 23.In February, the Middle Eastern country celebrates Saudi Founding Day over the four-day weekend with events and fireworks across the country.

“February 22 is an arbitrary date that has no historical basis, and the intention behind this is a nationalist drive to celebrate its own non-religious holiday,” Schmidt said, as quoted by Deutsche Welle.In the same year, MbS announced that the year of founding the country had been changed from 1744 to 1727.This month, National Flag Day was also declared a holiday on March 11.

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