Kamis, Mei 2, 2024

Soon, Jokowi will be Left Alone

By: Asyari Usman,, Senior Journalist As quoted from, this is “the moment of truth” to see the identity of the conglomerates who have enjoyed the power of President Jokowi. It is predicted that a 'crash landing' will occur. Economic conditions are already very dire. Growth of minus 8% or even minus 10% could happen in the near future. What is clear, the growth of -5% is in the process towards minus the next level.

The conglomerates must have set up their escape route. They must also have prepared a destination that pleases them. And there is no way they will leave without financial preparation and the continuation of their business elsewhere.

Will the big businessmen think about the rulers who have been helping them? Will they think of Jokowi who will face a major economic crisis? Will they think of commoners ?. The moments of "who is a true friend, as lively as dead" will unfold soon. Jokowi will feel that. The moment of truth will unfold by itself.

When viewed from the greedy temperament of big businessmen, it is unlikely that they will care about the crisis that will occur. Their close relationship with the rulers will not inspire them. All will save themselves first. Save wealth. Save their families and businesses.

Wish you the people who don't feel part of this nation and country? If you wish, you are having a sweet dream.

You fantasize. Imagine that the policies that have been so on their side will call them to live while facing a crisis. What is not imaginary is that the Indonesian people will fight for themselves.

Help each other. Between the true Indonesian people and the original personalities of the country's children. Between fellow people with hearts, will certainly care for each other. Mutual sharing.

Rather than expecting big businessmen and greedy conglomerates to fight together over and through a crisis, it is much better if you become "the back that longs for the Moon". Or, it's better if you put it 'bake away from the fire'.

Perhaps the longing for pungguk for the Moon will be more realistic than imagining big businessmen struggling to face the crisis. And waiting for the roast away from the fire is perhaps more promising than hoping that the conglomerates will care about the people choked by the crisis.

Big businessmen and greedy conglomerates will inevitably adopt the philosophy of smoke. Smoke never waits for a raging fire. Smoke quickly left the location, soaring flying. In this context, entrepreneurs with super large accumulated money will surely fly with their monetary wealth as soon as the flames of the crisis get bigger. And, remember, the great crisis is in sight. The owners of "radiant money" will soar. This means that Jokowi will soon be left alone.

Therefore, from now on the people need to be constantly vigilant. People must anticipate. The Coalition for the Action to Save Indonesia (WE) was correct in presenting their thesis about the gloomy and gloomy situation that was about to occur. It is true that they are determined to fight so that the people do not fall as hard as possible.

And so that the navigation of the nation and state is not seized by domestic or international bandit groups. WE have seen the dire projection of poverty and impoverishment due to the economic crisis.

And that economic collapse could develop into a multi-dimensional (multi-dimensional) crisis. Not much time to waste. We hope that President Jokowi will focus on facing a very dangerous possibility. Indonesia is still struggling in a vague space in handling the Covid-19 outbreak. Give serious attention to family elections, including wasting time.

The president must be able to provide directions or "leads" to the cabinet team. Do not let the reverse reading of "lead" into "deal". We are all under threat. (FHD)

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