Minggu, Mei 5, 2024

Don’t Be Careless, Communists are Still Creeping!

By: M Rizal Fadillah (Political and National Observer) When the HIP Bill was discussed, the issue of PKI and Communism came to the fore. There are MPRS Decrees that are not included, there are also matters concerning Trisila and Ekasila, plus the religious position which is dwarfed. The strong reaction to the HIP Bill made the proponents “throw the towel” and the Government “to be safe” by delaying the discussion.

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The BPIP Bill was proposed, supposedly replacing the HIP Bill. Surprisingly without any revocation first. Even though they are different, they are related. BPIP actually also became an important part of the contents of the previous HIP Bill. The HIP Bill is the root of “al ashlu” while the BPIP bill is a branch of “al far’u”.

The fruit is Pancasila which is distorted and used.The bridge between the two bills is the acknowledgment and philosophy of the Pancasila formulation on June 1, 1945.

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This is the door to communism. Paved the way for the interpretation of communism and marxism. At least for the future. National ideology combined with comintern (internationalism), people’s democracy, the welfare of the proletariat, and divinity as a cultural product.Communist cadres believed that the PKI could disband but communist ideology could not. It remains inherent and has the potential to be developed through OTB of a formless organization. Infiltration is a model of actual movement. His struggle was to marginalize the main enemies of the communists, namely the TNI and Muslims.

MPR Decree No VI of 2000 which separated the TNI from the Police became the basis for discriminatory political policies. Everyone knows that the development and political role of the Police is thicker and more aggressive than that of the TNI. In actuality, the TNI is “padded” and with Presidential Instruction 6 of 2020 “covided”.

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Meanwhile, for Muslims, a stigma is built. Intolerant, radical, extreme, caliphate, or others. Previously terrorists and ISIS. The curriculum that smells of jihad and qital (war) is abolished. Moderation and deradicalization are propagated. Religion is secularized. Harassment and criminalization of ulama.

Communists are adept at pitting people against each otherThe regime itself did not try to prevent the development of communism even as it allowed it. Not “aware” of the dangers of the communist movement. He simply stated “where is the PKI?” and “communism is banned!”. It is natural that the people, especially Muslims, suspect that infiltration in addition to taking place in the parliament, has also reached the center of power.

The Chinese Communist Party alone during this regime was able to work closely with political parties and official state institutions. Likewise has successfully set foot in the palace room.

Today’s communist cadres are very adept at lying down and creeping. They avoided the shooting target position. Even shelter behind the ideology of Pancasila. As if to be defenders and developers of Pancasila.

The people and people of Indonesia must not be satisfied with the existence of an MPR Decree that prohibits the PKI and Communism. Or the existence of other legislation.They move in the field on their knees and creeps.

Infiltration in various institutions with ideological protection. A kicking and jumping frog model strategy. Frogs never move backwards. Frogs move only to reproduce creating tadpoles. (AHM)

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