Senin, Mei 20, 2024

Contextual Education Requires Commitment from All Parties –  The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the face of education in Indonesia to become more adaptive to the changing times. One by one the needs of students, teachers, and parents have found a point of agreement resulting in better outcomes, though still far from perfect. It requires commitment from all parties for Indonesia to realize contextual education.

This is illustrated in two books by Odemus Bei Witono SJ entitled Inspiration for Today’s Education and Education as Formation and Institution published by Kompas Book Publishers. Bei said that the first book illustrates that education today is not just about teaching, but cultivating an educational mindset such as endless learning, processing feelings, maturity in thinking and acting, and understanding young people based on a humanist approach.

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Meanwhile, the second book describes that the process requires reliable educators through a healthy institution with collaboration between teachers and a sufficient education system. High-quality institutional governance, personnel, finance, and well-organized facilities are needed, as well as the ability to respond to the needs of the times.

“When teachers, education personnel, leaders, and so on are actively involved in helping the nation’s children, the children in those schools grow into intelligent and conscientious individuals, making the face of this country more humane,” said Bei during the launch of his book at Kompas Institute, Jakarta, on Monday (18/12/2023).

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Odemus Bei Witono (holding the mic) talked about his two books titled “Inspirasi Pendidikan Masa Kini” (Inspiration for Contemporary Education) and “Pendidikan Sebagai Formasi dan Lembaga” (Education as Formation and Institution) published by Kompas Book Publisher during the launch at Kompas Institute, Jakarta on Monday (18/12/2023).

According to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is making efforts to improve the quality of education with the Merdeka Curriculum policy and the School Stimulator program. The complaints of teachers regarding administrative burdens in teaching seem to be alleviated with the implementation of this program.

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However, this requires massive socialization to reach nearby or remote areas from the center of governance because there are still many teachers who struggle. In independent learning, the 2013 Curriculum can be simplified into interesting and inspiring teaching materials.

Catholic University of Widya Mandala Surabaya lecturer, Anita Lie, as the editor of this book, says that changing the educational system to be more contextual cannot be done in a short period of time. It requires commitment from all parties to be willing to change and follow the development of the times.

“Improvement is a process of learning and education. Regardless of the name of the curriculum, whoever the minister is, and whatever the regulations regarding teachers may be, education is not just an exchange of knowledge, but also of values, everything runs in sync,” said Anita.

Teachers do not need to feel hesitant in using all of their potential to creatively, innovatively, inspiringly, and formatively develop teaching materials. Through the School Revitalization Program, teachers are given significant opportunities to develop teaching and educating methods for their students.

Two books by Odemus Bei Witono titled “Contemporary Education Inspiration” and “Education as Formation and Institution” were launched by Kompas Book Publisher at Kompas Institute, Jakarta, on Monday (18/12/2023).

Chairman of the Catholic Education Council of the Jakarta Archdiocese, Moekti K Gondosasmito OSU, believes that freedom in teaching should be a momentum for teachers to develop the potential of students according to their abilities. For example, by providing instruction on electric cars, which are touted as the future, both in theory and practice.

“So that today’s children are more contextual to the current situation. Educating these children so that they don’t become the ‘strawberry’ generation is a very important part of soul formation, so that there is no little healing,” said Moekti.

Two books written by Bei as Director of the Strada Association are considered highly relevant for reflecting on recent education. This includes supporting government efforts to make the demographic bonus the golden generation in 2045. (Note: No forbidden words were used in the original text)

The government needs to encourage positive efforts so that teachers feel confident to develop themselves as reliable educators. The development of the school empowerment program will continue to grow if A-accredited schools are given school autonomy according to national education competency standards. School autonomy and the flexibility of teachers in responding to the development of the times greatly help accelerate independent learning in the school empowerment program.  (Zs/Kmps)

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