Sabtu, Mei 4, 2024

KAMI Office is Blown up! The explosion at the secretariat of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI), Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (23/12) will not diminish the critical attitude of the mass organization chaired by Gatot Nurmantyo.
An internal US source said it would not be daunted by threats to the US movement. According to him, WE will remain as usual even though there is an explosion which was later found out from the firecracker.
"We are not afraid. We don't feel harmed or even terrorized. We felt (the explosion) was like someone closing the door hard, that's all, "said an internal kami source to the RMOL Political News Agency a moment ago, Wednesday (23/12).
In the explosion incident, he said, there was no material damage. The arrival of members of the police and kodim to the location was in the context of the TKP.
"Earlier, there was a police officer and the TNI command who went to the Secretariat and conducted an investigation regarding the firecrackers. We thank you, "he said.
The explosion occurred just before WE held a year-end discussion entitled "The Kaleidoscope of Indonesian Politics 2020". The explosion that was thought to have originated from a firecracker occurred at 11.36 WIB.
The police are still investigating the perpetrators and their motives. Based on the temporary TKP processing, the explosion was thought to have come from firecrackers.
"Those firecrackers. (the material) is like newspaper. The incident in front of the entrance was right on the motorbike road, ”said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Central Jakarta Police, AKBP Tahan Marpaung. (AHM)

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