Selasa, Juli 2, 2024

BRI Ensures Banking Services Continue to Operate After the Majene and Mamuju Earthquakes The earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 centered in Majene Regency on Friday (15/01) had a direct impact on Mamuju City, West Sulawesi and its surrounding areas. As a result of this natural disaster, it has claimed lives, tens of people were injured and thousands of residents were displaced.

Not to be spared from that, several BRI work units were also affected and experienced operational disruptions, however this morning banking services at BRI work units were back to normal.

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“We convey our deep sorrow for the earthquake that occurred in Majene Regency and Mamuju City, West Sulawesi last night. We ensure that BRI banking services in a number of areas in Majene and Mamuju continue to operate normally even though the network in several work units has experienced disruptions. BRI is also trying to prepare its work unit to provide banking services so that economic activity can gradually recover and the public can quickly get through this difficult situation, “said BRI Corporate Secretary, Aestika Oryza Gunarto.

To date, there are 4 work units that have not been able to operate normally due to the disconnection of the communication network, including BRI Tapalang Unit, BRI Unit Manakara, BRI Unit Karema, and BRI Majene Branch Office. Aestika said that BRI is currently carrying out network repairs so that BRI work units that experience operational disruptions can immediately resume normal operations.

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However, in this emergency situation, BRI also operates mobile banking services, such as E-Buzz and the Mobile Teras BRI car so that they can provide banking operational services that can help people in affected areas.

In addition, the public can still transact normally through  e-channel services  such as ATMs and CRM, to BRILink agents. In addition, the public can also fulfill their banking transaction needs through BRI digital banking services, such as BRImo, BRI Mobile Banking, BRI Internet Banking, and the Link Aja application.

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BRI ensures that it will continue to be present in the midst of society to ease the burden on the victims in order to get through this disaster. As a form of concern, BRI is currently preparing a number of ready-to-eat food packages in the form of packaged rice through the BRI Peduli CSR program. Such assistance has often been carried out by BRI as a form of BRI’s concern and sincerity for the community, especially residents affected by disasters.

“As an initial step, BRI is currently preparing thousands of ready-to-eat food packages in the form of packaged rice for the affected victims. In the initial emergency situation of a disaster, in the first one to two days of a disaster like this, ready-to-eat food assistance in the form of packaged rice is needed by the residents. This is because there are still not many public kitchens formed, the infrastructure is not yet available, and the electricity is still out. In its distribution, we involve all BRI personnel to directly provide assistance in the form of packaged rice to the affected residents. Of course, in the distribution of this assistance, BRI still pays attention to health protocols and pays attention to the safety aspects of the victims, “concluded Aestika Oryza Gunarto. (Ade)

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