Minggu, Mei 5, 2024

Facts of the Six Bodies of FPI’s Martyrs

Chairman of the Mujahid Lahar:
Yasir Arafat bin Thalib My testimony when I was involved in washing the bodies of all the corpses (Bathing procession) of 6 FPI martyrs last night started at less than 10 at Habibana Rizieq Syihab's residence
At the time of bathing there was something that surprised us all and made us cry, people who took part in the bathing procession, such as those I know well, namely Habib Alwi, Habib Husain, Habib Ahmad, Ust. Bachtiar Nasir, Ust. Yusuf Martak, Ust. Novel Bamukmin, KH Sobri Lubis, KH Slamet Ma'arif.
What surprised us all was:
- The position of the shots are all the same towards the heart with the same two holes for all victims.
- All victims clearly visible shot holes above the four holes in all.
- Burned vitals and hind limbs
- The part from the chest to the navel was cut open and sewn up (it seems like at an autopsy, even though the family has stated that they refuse to split it) All evidence has been documented photo and video by a team of lawyers led by Bang Aziz Yanuar, SH, MH.

God willing, a Press Conference of the Lawyers Team will be held as soon as possible to reveal the facts of the shooting of six FPI soldiers.

Firearms and samurai were not all belonging to the victim and it was suspected that the firearms belonged to the apparatus themselves, it was revealed that evidence of evidence that Alhamdulillah had been obtained was for the help of ALLAH.

There were still a lot of facts revealed last night and for more details, we are waiting for the Press Conference of the FPI Lawyers Team. (AHM)

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