Kamis, Mei 9, 2024

BSI will Increase Capital Through a Right Issue BUMN Minister Erick Thohir is trying to make PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk or BSI into the list of 10 largest Islamic banks in the world. To make this happen, the company’s capital is the focus of the government at this time.

To obtain additional capital, BSI management will issue new shares (right issue). In this corporate action, BSI is targeting global investors as new investors to own the company’s shares through the Sovereign Wealth Fund or Indonesia Investment Authority (INA).

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Deputy Minister II of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo or Tiko said that the Capital Increase with Pre-emptive Rights (PMHETD) would increase BSI’s funds in the medium term.

“We want to do a rights issue and of course if there is a match of interest we will be very open to collaborating with investors who want to take block seeds from BSI in the future,” said Tiko at the Mandiri Investment Forum 2021, Wednesday (3/2).

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BSI is targeted to be included in the list of 10 largest Islamic banks in the world. Even able to be aligned with Al-Rajhi Bank and Albilad Bank. The two banks are two banks headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with assets valued at US $ 111.3 billion and US $ 23.6 billion respectively in 2019. Meanwhile, post-merger BSI assets are around US $ 15 billion.

Erick is sure that Indonesia as a country with the world’s largest Muslim population can boost BSI’s performance, so that the merger of the three state-owned Islamic banks is not in vain.

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He also asked the BSI ecosystem not to put forward the concept of sharia alone in exploiting market potential. However, it must be accompanied by strengthening digitalization and good managerial. That way, the presence of BSI is expected to be able to increase the capitalization and capability of Islamic banking in Indonesia.

“The concept of sharia is not enough, it needs to be packaged digitally with high service quality, as well as a strong institution. We hope that the presence of BSI can increase the capitalization and capability of Islamic banking in Indonesia, “said Erick. (Ade)

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